If you live Chapter 5 you won’t have to worry about Chapter 6! Matthew 6:24-34

Every week I visit the 7th and 8th grade class. Last week I went over possible Lenten practices they could adopt starting this coming Ash Wednesday.

I explained that a good lent practice involves three things: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. I pasted out three by five cards and asked them to write down the three things they were doing as part of their Lenten practice: one for each area of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. For example, I am thinking about giving up red meat and alcohol, I will say and extra rosary each day and I will give a determined amount of money to the poor box each Friday. Continue reading “If you live Chapter 5 you won’t have to worry about Chapter 6! Matthew 6:24-34”

We belong in our Home, the Church – Luke 2:22-40

Today we celebrate a Feast that usually is celebrated during the week. Most people miss it, yet it is a very ancient feast. Mary and Joseph bring their first-born son to the Temple. They desire to follow the law and the Tradition of their faith: they want to physically unite their Child with the Divine Presence Who dwells there. Continue reading “We belong in our Home, the Church – Luke 2:22-40”

The disciple attracts others to join us in prayer John 1:29-34

This morning the Church challenges us with the discipleship of three people. Isaiah, Paul and John the Baptist. The Scriptures challenges us to imitate them through in their work by attracting the sinner, bringing them home, and by using our senses as well as our heart in deepening our relationship with Jesus.

Isaiah is the servant whose job it was to bring back those who strayed from the covenant. His life was to serve God first, above all things and to bring others back to the covenant. Continue reading “The disciple attracts others to join us in prayer John 1:29-34”


You can’t get there from here.  Have you ever heard that saying? The other day when I was out on Communion calls, that is exactly how I felt — every road I was on, every turn I took led me to a road that was under construction or a detour sign.  And NOW, we even have a closed portion of Allendale Road.  I did not realize that the roads were in such bad condition.  Then I began to think about life and all the changes and twists and turns that we experience every day.  How do we face them?  How do we make the adjustment that is needed to move forward?  Even in our spiritual life, we undergo construction and detours.  The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a wonderful gift that we have that can help us take care of those detours that we take in life.  Our wrong choices, our unkind words that cause others pain, the times that we don’t give God His due — prayer, Mass, trust.  The words of Jesus through the person of the priest help to get us back on track and the grace received through this Sacrament gives us the strength to face all that we experience in life.  How blessed are we to know and love God who is our loving Father.  What have you seen this week?  Have you been able to look beneath the surface?

All Teens in Upper Merion – This is for YOU.

Finally, a high school retreat that gets you – understands what your life is all about, and can help you bring God into the center of all the craziness. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!

All baptized Catholic public school and home-school teens in 11th-12th grade are invited to the MontCo Regional “Kairos” Retreat! This event runs from Feb 13th – 16th, and will help you dig into your faith like never before. By the end of this retreat you will view yourself, your family & friends, and your relationship with God in a whole new, powerful way. This weekend will be packed with fun activities, moments for prayer and reflection, inspirational talks from teens YOUR age, and much more! Tens of thousands of teens have attended Kairos retreats over the past years, and now it’s your turn to experience this life-changing retreat!

Details:– Signup deadline is FEB 1st!!!!
– Required “Info Meeting” for parents & teens who sign up on Feb 2nd
– Age bracket: 11th & 12th graders who haven’t gone on a Kairos retreat before
– Students throughout MontCo are invited
– This retreat is coordinated with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
– Cost is $250/person and covers all meals, lodging, & materials for four days, three nights
– Dropoff & pickup for the retreat are at St. Anthony of Padua parish in Ambler. Students will be bused to Mother Boniface Spirituality Center in Philadelphia for the retreat.
– Limited scholarships available.

View the website & “meet” the teen leaders at http://paregionalkairos.weebly.com/. Email Lauren Joyce with questions: Ljoyce@MdpParish.com.


It fills my heart with joy when I see dads with their children.  The other day, I was meeting a friend for lunch at the mall.  I was sitting on one of the benches inside just people watching while I was waiting.  People are very interesting.  I was sitting in front of the Army Recruiting office and saw a dad go in with his son, who was about 8 years of age.  The dad said something to the soldier inside and then the little boy did the rest of the talking.  He was very happy when he left, as he walked out with army pencils and a few pictures.  It was obvious that the dad had been in the military.  Another dad passed by with 3 little children — one boy about 9 who was walking beside the dad.  The father was carrying his twin girls in his arms.  He was holding them tightly and kissing each one as he walked along.  Each child was receiving from the father just what they needed.  I can only imagine that is what God the Father does for us.  He carries each of us, His children, and provides exactly what we need at a given time.  How blessed are we to be called children of God.  What have you seen?  How has it touched your heart?



It is a good and holy thing to pray for the living and the dead.

Let us remember in prayer those who are sick: Roz Cirino,  Tracy Marx, John Marx, Michael Bassing, Carter Jannsen,

May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen. Frances Donato, Claude Kabrio, Sr., Margaret O’Rourke, James Almond, Jr., William Deangelo, Neil Dreslin, Paul Brunner, Ted Tusholski.