Sacred Music

Since the Second Vatican Council, the bishops of the church have encouraged the formation and training of choirs. One of the main functions of a choir is to lead and support the singing by the congregation during a liturgy. While the choir may sing a special choral work at the Gloria or Offertory , its main reason for being is to support and musically embellish the congregational singing.

The parish choir sings each Sunday at the 10:30 am Mass.  Membership in the choir is open to all parishioners sixteen years of age and older.  No special musical training is necessary, only a willingness to serve in the Music Ministry. Everyone of us has talents.  One way to  share your talents and serve the parish community is by singing in the choir.  Please contact the parish office for more information.


The role of the cantor is to direct and encourage the people in singing.  The cantor sings the psalm between the readings and leads the various songs in the liturgy.  Persons who wish to be cantors should possess good singing ability and be able to proclaim the text of the Psalm with clarity, conviction and sensitivity.


Music Resources