Adult Faith Formation & Bible Studies

Grow in your faith at MDP!

We are proud to offer many opportunities to grow in the “knowledge” portion of your faith here at MDP! We host many Bible Studies and faith formation groups each year.  Please give us a call if you would like to find a group that meets your needs!  Group members enjoy both the “knowledge” portion of learning about their faith on an adult level, as well as the “fellowship” portion of walking together in faith with fellow parishioners!  We also currently offer a Men’s Group, several co-ed Bible Studies, and a Charismatic Prayer Group.

Please call the Parish office or check our weekly bulletin for information on group meeting times and current Faith Formation offerings. 

Contact Deacon Greg Maskarinec to find a Bible Study group matching your interest and schedule: or call the parish office at 610-265-4178.


Past Groups Have Included the Following and More!

The “Bible Timeline: Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible” online here.


“Oremus: Let Us Pray” online here.


“A Biblical Walk Through the Mass” online here.

Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly online here.

Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly


Why Catholic?  faith renewal program online here.