“And the angels ministered to Him” – Mark 1:12-15

Today’s Gospel according to Mark is a wonderful inspiration for the beginning of our Lenten Journey. “The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert.” (Mk. 1:12) You get this sense of a gale wind, picking Jesus up and carrying Him into the solitude and silence of the desert.

What happens to Jesus when He is alone and becomes quiet? Jesus is “tempted by Satan.” (Mk. 1:13)  Jesus was “among wild beasts.” (Mk. 1:13) We know what that feels like, don’t we, when temptations bother us and our conscience is reminding us of the right thing to do. What we can forget in those times is the second part of that sentence – “and the angels ministered to Him.” (Mk.1: 13)

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God has summoned us here this morning to announce a great fast. Throughout our history, since Adam, God has called His People back to Him so we can once again enjoy the unity of our creation in His Image and likeness.

Each of us from our conception is made in God’s image. It is what unites us both to God and to one another. It is this image that makes us the same. Our diversity comes not in the soul but through our bodies. There we have similarities but we are not identical. Our bodies demonstrate a unique quality and a specific mission given to us out of God’s eternal love.

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Lenten Schedule

Mother of Divine Providence Church

Lenten Program


On Wednesday, February 18th, Catholics once again began the annual period of prayer and Penance which prepares for the Easter Triduum.   The custom of “giving up” things during Lent can be manifested in three ways:  Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.  But the more important “giving up” during the season of Lend is giving up sin in our lives.  We are to give up sin, not only for Lent but forever.  The discipline of Lend is a time to work through the conversion necessary to let go of whatever evil still finds a home in us.

As a means to make this Lent spiritually fruitful, we invite and encourage all of you to participate in our Parish Lenten Program for 2015.


The Bishops of the United States prescribe the observance of fast and abstinence throughout Lent.  This obligation applies to all persons fourteen years of age and older, and requires that they must abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, on all the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday.  Further, all persons eighteen years of age and older, up to and including their fifty-ninth birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday, while the other two meals on those days are to be light.

All the faithful are encouraged, when possible, to participate at Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist daily, to celebrate frequently the Sacrament of Penance, to undertake spiritual reading, especially the study of the Sacred Scriptures, and to participate in parish Lenten devotions as well as Lenten education programs.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is especially recommended.


ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH:   Masses will be celebrated at 8:00 AM, 12:05 PM and 7:30 PM – Ashes (symbol of our repentance) will be blessed and distributed within all Masses.

WEEKDAY MASSES:  Monday through Saturday at 8:00 AM

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION:  As it does throughout the year, Eucharistic Adoration will take place each Tuesday immediately following the 8:00 AM Mass.  Adoration will conclude with Benediction at 6:50 PM.  In addition, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed immediately following the 11:30 AM Mass on February 22nd, March 8th, 22nd and 29th, and at approximately 1:30 PM on March 1st and 15th (due to Baptisms).  Vespers will be prayed at 4:00 PM each Sunday.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS:   Place yourself (in spirit) beside our Savior as He journeys to Calvary.   Stations of the Cross will be held each Wednesday in Lend (except Ash Wednesday) at 2:00 PM and each Friday at 7:00 PM.   Please note:  Students of our Religious Education Program will present the Living Stations on Wednesday, March 18th at 6:30 PM.   The Living Stations will be presented by the Fifth Grade Class of the Regional School on Friday, March 27th at 7:00 PM.  All are welcome.


Forty Hours will begin on Sunday, February 22nd as the Blessed Sacrament is exposed beginning at 12:30 PM, Immediately after the 11:30 AM Mass.  We will gather at 7:30 PM for our evening devotion;  Father John P. Stokely will be our homilist.  ON Monday and Tuesday the Blessed Sacrament will once again be exposed throughout the day, beginning after the 8:00 AM daily Mass providing an opportunity for prayer.  Evening devotions will begin at 7:30 PM on Monday.  The closing of Forty Hours will take place  on Tuesday with evening devotions and Eucharistic Procession beginning at 7:30 PM.


Confessions are heard every Saturday from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM and on Wednesday, March 17th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  The Regional Penance Service will be celebrated at Sacred Heart Church on Thursday, March 26th at 7:00 PM.  (Several visiting priests will assist with hearing confessions at Sacred Heart.)  The final opportunity for confession prior to Easter will be on Monday, March 30th through Wednesday, April 1st from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PMNo confessions are scheduled for Holy Saturday.


Please join us for a moving live performance on Palm Sunday evening, March 29th at 7:00 PM.  “No Greater Love” is a vibrant musical drama that celebrates the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We are pleased to present this play which was written by Janeen Stevens, directed and choreographed by Carol Ferrone, with Musical Direction by Gerard DeMan, Jr. and performed by the Xavier Company. The Xavier Company is a unique group of Christian performing artists in residence at Saint Francis Xavier Church in New York City. Don’t miss this captivating performance which brings to life the timeless and sacred story of the passion of Jesus Christ!


Operation Rice Bowl focuses on the major Lenten themes:  prayer, almsgiving, fasting and a renewed solidarity wit the poor of the world.  The format is simple.  On one evening of each week of Lent, families eat a light, low-cost meal.  Before and after the supper, they give thanks for their blessings and pray for the hungry of the world.  Money saved by eating a simple meal instead of a regular dinner is placed in a “rice bowl” on the dinner table.   Cardboard “rice bowls” are available at the doors of the church. Every Sunday, families bring their contributions to Mass and place them into the Poor Boxes, located at the church doors.  Your participation in Operation Rice Bowl helps Catholic Relief Services to support development and self help projects in 50 countries, including job training, agricultural development and maternal and child health initiatives.  Twenty-five percent of the funds collected remain here in the Archdiocese and are used to purchase food to stock the local emergency food cupboards and soup kitchens.

Please note:  Specific details regarding all of our Lenten activities can be found on a weekly basis in the parish bulletin.

How does the Word become flesh in you?

Jesus’ words amazed the people in the synagogue, and His deeds left them awestruck. The miracles Jesus performed tell us something about three people: Himself, the disciples, and Peter’s mother-in-law. Jesus did not need to make Himself the center of attention. He did not need to make great incantations or gestures to dispel demons. All He needed to do was to speak with authority. His relationship with His Father was such that whatever He asked was granted.

A miracle for Jesus was not a means of increasing His prestige; He performed miracles because He was ‘moved with pity.’ Jesus was keenly interested in the lives of the people He touched.

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“He will pick us up & hold us close” Mark 1:21-28

You would think that the man processed by an unclean spirit would run away from Jesus. You would think that the pain of having this spirit cut out of your body would drive the poor man away. Rather, the man meets up with Jesus and stands right in His face. Perhaps the man had one last thread of hope, rooted in a very dim faith that Jesus could in fact heal him.

There are those of us who are in the same position as the man with the unclean spirit. We want to hold on in hope that Jesus can take pity on us as well and redeem us. Yet, if we too have the audacity to believe in Him, He will accept our contrition however imperfect. He will pick us up and hold us close. He is the one Who is to come. Jesus is the one who nurtures the hope of the once possessed man: “Go home to your family and announce to them all that the Lord in His pity has done for you.”


“Come after Me” Mark 1:14-20

When Jesus invites His Apostles to “Come after me,” they are intrigued because the response to this invitation involves a conversion on all levels of life and at every moment. Conversion is not stagnant in time; rather it is on going and life giving.

Jesus reminds us today what the life of a fisherman involves

  • Being patient, learning to wait in God’s time
  • Persevering-never being discouraging; always being willing to try again
  • Having the courage to face the consequences of telling the truth
  • Being discrete in finding the right moment to speak and the right moment to be silent
  • Being physically fit so as to become his instrument.
  • Being humble in our attitude and in our speech toward others

Remember, the apostles were not forced to accept the call to be fisher’s of men. They could have walked away, as we can. But once they answered, “I Believe,” they accepted the challenge that lay before them, as we must.

“Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand” is a new way of life that seeks to gather all men, women and children to a place where we can truly preach the Word of Christ, not necessarily “with the wisdom of human eloquence, but for the purpose that the cross of Christ might not be emptied of it’s meaning.”

Complete your life then, go after Him and you will become ‘fishers of men.”


“Speak Lord, your servant is listening” -John 1:35-42

Today begins a week of prayer for Christian unity, during which we should give time to read the catechism and become familiar with the tenets of our religion. It is only when we are familiar with what we believe that we can reach out to others who don’t understand.

Thursday is a day of prayer and penance as we remember that our nation is one that legalized the killing of children and continues to slide down that immoral road, which affects all stages of human life, even our lives.

I think these things coming together is a sign for all us to see that, as Saint Paul says that, “The body is not for immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body…therefore glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:13c-13a, 17-20).

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Feast of the Baptism – With You I am well pleased!

The power of baptismal water cannot be appreciated without considering what has happened here today. We find ourselves at the side of the river Jordan, a dove hovers not expectantly, the sky opens and a voice proclaims, ‘this is My Beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.’ (Matthew 2:1-12) Imagine for a moment that you are the Christ and it is over your head the dove hovers. You are my beloved son, ‘with whom I am well pleased.’

Jesus rises from the water of death and begins to walk the Way, of Truth and for Life. Like all true disciples, we are struck at what Jesus does in His Public Ministry what attracts us will attract others to join us on the road to true peace in Him.

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A New Year of Hope! 2015

There is no other image of the mystery of the Incarnation simpler than the image of the Mother with Jesus in her arms. She bears her Son from life to death.

In the same way, she promises to bear us especially when despair or are anxious. Mary is our Mother of Hope because we meet in the reflection of the Child’s eyes, thus we are able to reach out to Him and touch Him so He can dispense His mercy and forgiveness.

Through this Virtue of Hope, rooted in Faith, Mary brings us peace; inner peace, peace in our families; communal peace, global peace. May this New Year bring you a fresh hope, a new beginning of virtue; making this world a better place to receive Him.