How does the Word become flesh in you?

Jesus’ words amazed the people in the synagogue, and His deeds left them awestruck. The miracles Jesus performed tell us something about three people: Himself, the disciples, and Peter’s mother-in-law. Jesus did not need to make Himself the center of attention. He did not need to make great incantations or gestures to dispel demons. All He needed to do was to speak with authority. His relationship with His Father was such that whatever He asked was granted.

A miracle for Jesus was not a means of increasing His prestige; He performed miracles because He was ‘moved with pity.’ Jesus was keenly interested in the lives of the people He touched.

The disciples had known Jesus along time and had become familiar with Him through conversation and His presence among them. They brought Peter’s mother-in-law to Jesus in prayer. This is an essential part of the Christian life- a good prayer practice that affirms and nurtures a relationship that produces compassionate forgiveness and healing. You see the disciples learned that we must bring everything, all our troubles and joys, to Jesus and ask Him for His help and healing.

Finally, the Gospel reveals a simple woman, Peter’s mother-in-law. No sooner was she healed than she began to attend to their needs. She used her recovered health for renewed service. An old Scottish family has as their motto: “Saved to serve.” Jesus helps us that we may help others.

In all these things, the Gospel reveals real people living through the consequences of the Word made Flesh. Jesus’ touch and healing power changed lives for the better. What is your story?  How does the Word become Flesh in you?