“From now on we regard no one according to the flesh -Mark 4:35-41


The tragedy at Immanuel AME Church in South Carolina is a tragedy that has fallen on our whole nation. These nine deaths at the hand of this young man forces me to ask myself,  ‘Am I holding on to some thoughts that lessen the value of other human beings?’ I watched the Civil Rights Movement of the 60’s and always thought of myself as someone who respected others, who regarded ‘no one according to the flesh.’ But this incident makes me wonder.

When I taught high school we had a racial incident. Someone had written KKK in a bathroom stall. During our discussions, it was learned that offensive script was written two years ago. No one thought to remove it. And because it remained there, the community, even unconsciously approved it.

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Be like a mustard see and you will flourish – Mark 4:26-34

“How is it with the Kingdom of God?”

Ezekiel gives us a clue about the things pertaining to the divine life: “It is a tender shoot, planted on a high and lofty mountain.” You can feel in these words a very personal and intimate person who cares and nurtures and protects the shoot’s life because he takes the tender shoot to the heights of Israel, a noble place found nowhere else.

Paul, in his second letter to the Corinthians reminds us that material things block our way to the Kingdom. Material things weigh us down; keep us chained to the ground of self-centeredness. Paul tells us that this material dependence is not our natural state. Our natural inclination is to God and to heaven. “We aspire to please Him.”

The opening words of John say, “This is how it is with the kingdom of God.” It is our littleness and our simplicity that is the key to heaven. Material possessions cannot open the door, either can pride or envy, or self-centeredness: these are not keys.

It takes just a kernel of faith, step by step, like a small mustard seed; our faith will ‘spring up and become the largest of plants.’ This is how it is with the Kingdom of God: be simple, be little and you will ‘flourish like the palm tree’ ‘planted in the house of the Lord.’



We venerate today the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in which “God lies concealed cloaking His Face with the appearance of Bread and Wine. He is whole, entire, and perfect in each piece and in every drop.”

Throughout this week, the Catholic Church has taken a moment to adore, worship and venerate this central creed – that Christ is alive and communicates with God’s People primarily in the Eucharist reserved here in our tabernacle and in the tabernacles around the world.

This is what distinguishes us among Christians and from other religions – Jesus dwells here among us and we recognize, respect and sanctify the place where He dwells.

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By worshipping the Holy Trinity, we come to realize the full truth about ourselves, that human beings are more than flesh, they are a union of body and soul. Because we have been raised up to this supernatural level, our dignity is that of co-heirs with Christ, temples of the Holy Spirit and children of God.

The Holy Spirit binds us together in holiness that is the very life of God and so we are always and everywhere caught up in a relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

And so, this is God’s most personal and intimate secret He wants to share with you this morning: that you are worth His eternal love!


“Receive the Holy Spirit” John 20:19-23

Pentecost is the living memory of the Church on fire with the Spirit of Truth. Since Easter, we have connected with the memory of the Apostles who enliven our hearts and minds to the reality of what is means that God is alive and dwells among us.

The forgiveness of sins is the sign of the Holy Spirit breathing into the soul of the Church the truth about our relationship with God.

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God chose us! – John 15:9-17

The Gospel passage is proclaimed within the context that we did not chose God but rather God chose us.

The purpose of this choice is joy, to be loved and to be His friends.

The true disciple is a person whose joy is complete. No matter what particular talent or gift you have been given, if it isn’t accompanied by joy then it will not ignite other human hearts. Joy is the first charism of the Christian and radiates more brightly in darkened times.

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First Holy Communion 2015

Good morning boys and girls, my dear friends in Christ,

Today is a very special day for you boys and girls, because what you will receive today will change you forever. By accepting this simple gift from God, by eating this bread and drinking from this cup you will accept with thankfulness the life of God in you.

Eating no other food can do this. Receiving Holy Communion will help you remember three very important things in your life, that

  • God loves you
  • That you be thankful to God for loving you
  • And that I love Jesus with my whole heart, with my whole soul, with my entire mind by loving my neighbor.

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Be fruit bearing in Word and Sacrament! John 15:1-8

Jesus likens Christians to the Vine and Branches, which was a familiar symbol in His time. The vine and branches are related to the life of God and Israel’s participation in it. Some vines are fruit bearing, others are useless because they don’t bear any fruit; they are useless, cut away and burned. In the same way, those disciples who bear no fruit in the work of Jesus are useless to Him.

People who profess with their lips to be Christian without practicing it bear no fruit. Those men and women, who know their faith but hide it in order to be politically correct, or enlightened or accepted, bear no fruit.

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“See what love the Father has…” John10:11-18

During these Easter weeks, we celebrate our new life in Christ. Saint John says: ”See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God.” And yet John warns us that the world will never know us because it will never recognize Jesus.

The Church will never really belong in the world and the worldly will never fully accept the Church. In fact, if we are accepted by the world, we know we have become too complacent. Remember, the Church flourishes when it suffers, like Jesus on the Cross.

So we need to be careful if we are to lead this new life, we need to be watchful that the seeds of this world are not nourished but rather are rooted out by our vigilance in prayer and in the reception of the sacraments.

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Go out, stir things up! Luke 24:35-48


From the Gospel today we can learn three things: That the person who stood before the Apostles in the Upper Room was real. That He revealed His wounds to them and invited them to ‘touch and see.’ That this is the Person Who wants now to have a faithful relationship with us.

The fact the all the Apostles except John offered their lives in sacrifice for the Truth is proof for us that He is alive. This means that the Seven Sacraments He gave us are effective in sharing His grace and glory with anyone who sincerely seeks Him.

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