Seventh Sunday of Easter

Jesus looks up to heaven and prays to the Father that all will be one. Stephen looks up to heaven and sees Jesus. Paul encounters the same Christ, the Christ of unity and charity.

If we are to live in Glory with God, we need to imitate the life of His Son. Re-create the center of life in the home; encourage community life; respect each person as a child of God and seek ways that unite us instead of ways that divide us or even silence us in fear.

In this self-obsessed world in which we live, it will not be easy. However, if we simplify the way we live, and keep our prayer faithful and true then we can welcome others to be one with the Church by loving one another.

Over these next eight days, the Church prays the novena of grace for the coming of the Holy Spirit. May He rest in our hearts and in our bodies, that we too may encounter the Christ of Glory in our homes, in our parish and in our neighborhoods.