Miracles are events that reveal the mystery of God, John 2:1-11

Miracles are events that reveal the mystery of God present in the world. The event announces, “God is here!”

When we meditate on the Wedding Feast of Cana, we discover the Face of God in very ordinary ways.

Consider Jesus being invited to a wedding. This must have been a family friend, because Mary was present as well. Maybe it was the son or daughter of one of Joseph’s business associates that Jesus knew well since he was a partner with Joseph as a carpenter.

Jesus asks if he can bring some friends along, so the wedding was open, everyone having a good time. Men stood on one side of the room and women on the other.

Consider now Mary gathered with the women, talking, sharing funny stories about their husbands or their children, the price of food or the communal well. Suddenly, the mother of the groom seems anxious.

Mary notices and approaches the mother who lets her in on the secret: there is no more wine! Mary becomes anxious as well and moves across the room to the dividing line between the men and women. She stands her ground and motions to Jesus to join her on the side.

The rest is history. God is revealed. He heard the mother’s cry of anxiety. He hears the anxious report given to Jesus. He watches as Jesus reveals the Glory of God astonishing the guests; still astonishing us, at this moment, before our very eyes: He turn water into wine!

God reveals Himself even in our smallest anxieties and He uses others to reveal Himself.

Saint Paul says, “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.”

Then He begins to list human potential in being at the service of God and we are left with asking ourselves how do I serve? What gifts have I been given for the good of the Church, for the good of humanity?

This is where we come into the story, because we are meant to be drawn in and be a part of this miracle. God is waiting to perform a miracle in someone life here today. What gift has been given you by God to reveal that miracle?

Think hard it is there. God uses us to announce He is here! Mary is whispering in the ear of your soul right now,  “Do what ever He tells you.”