Today, Bartimaeus encounters Jesus and begins superficially, “I want to see.” Christ knows that in order to ‘see’ Bartimaeus must first trust Him to redefine what it means to see. The physical reality of seeing material things is superficial compared with the seeing of the heart of faith. It takes a lot of courage.
When you lay your heart out there naked, Jesus enters and everything changes, you begin to see things differently and the superficial masks which blind us will be let down so we can see clearly God’s abiding Love and our life in It.
Encounter Jesus in conversation, knowing that He will look through your eyes and into the depths of your hearts and ask ‘what do you want me to do for you.’ He will engage your deepest secrets where there is a natural human desire for Truth, forgiveness and mercy, and He will raise you up.
‘Take courage’ then, He calls you over in the quiet of your prayer and in the stillness of your heart. As you go your way today, go with trust, for the Lord will do done great things for you and make you truly glad.