Matthew 13:1-23 We belong to Christ & through us, He communicates to the world. Matthew 10:24-33

All Christians through baptism are preachers of the Word. Saint Paul says, “all of us who possess the first fruits of the Spirit, we too groan inwardly as we wait for our bodies to be set free.”  What he is saying is that everything we do, everything we think and say belongs to Christ and through us He communicates to the world.

When we sow the seed of the Word, we rarely see the effects of that sowing. We can look back on our own lives and remember people who affected us and yet they will never know how much they changed us; old teachers, our parents, priests, former classmates, coworkers. We too have an effect on people’s lives without knowing it.

Continue reading “Matthew 13:1-23 We belong to Christ & through us, He communicates to the world. Matthew 10:24-33”

Our Youth are Doing GREAT Things!

Ten of our young adults left on Sunday, July 6th for a mission trip to the Albany, New York area.    These same youth have been coming together for the past 5 years to help those less fortunate with projects that they could not normally accomplish, singing and praying all the while they are away from us.   What a wonderful way to show God’s love.  We are so proud of you!  May God keep you in His care always.


Mother of Divine Providence Parish will be having the yearly Manna Food Collection for the Norristown Food Cupboard the weekend of July 19 and 20.  Items for this collection include all non-perishable food items: cereal, peanut butter,  jelly, tuna, soups, stews, pasta, canned veggies, fruit, etc.  Tea and coffee can be a real treat.  Please remember that non food items cannot be purchased with food stamps, so toilet tissue, paper towels, dish detergent, laundry soap, etc. are also good donations for this yearly collection. Please be sure to pick up a bag for your donations at the doors of the church this weekend (July 12, 13) and return it filled next weekend.  Thank you for your generous spirit.

“Who do you say that I am?” Matthew 16:13-19

Today gives us an opportunity to reflect on the mysteries both of the Petrine Ministry and our collaboration with him to spread the Gospel to every creature. In the Gospel, two things confront Jesus: his short time frame and the faith of his disciples.

He asks his disciples then the question, “Who do men say that I am?”  Caesarea Philippi was a cosmopolitan town so was heavily influenced by paganism. Against this background Jesus challenges his disciples to clarify their faith and understand the consequences of that belief. Continue reading ““Who do you say that I am?” Matthew 16:13-19″

Solemnity of Corpus Christi

“The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the Body of Christ?” The answers to these questions for 2000 years and until the end of the age, has always been yes.

 We venerate today this Sacrament in which God lies concealed and our Jesus cloaks His Face with the appearance of Bread and Wine. He is whole, entire, and perfect in each piece and in each drop.

  Continue reading “Solemnity of Corpus Christi”


One of our stops for Mass while in the Holy Land was Mount Tabor — the site of the Transfiguration.  It is a very high mountain.  It would take hours to walk up to the top, so the group took the ride in the vans that are provided.  The road that winds around the mountain to reach the top is very narrow — it just about holds 2 vans if they need to pass each other.  When that happens, you do not want to be on the open side of the road.  I am sure part of the excitement of the experience is the “wild” ride up and down the mountain.  A good Act of Contrition is in order because your whole life flashes before you as you make this trip.  BUT, when you reach the top, the beauty is amazing. Continue reading “CLIMBING MOUNT TABOR”

Blessed Trinity of God – Three Persons in One Divinity

There is a story about a group of shipwrecked people adrift in a long, narrow lifeboat. The boat is so long that people in the front think of themselves as the ‘front’ people and those in the back think of themselves as the ‘back’ people.

One day the front of the boat developed an uncontrollable leak. A man in the back of the boat says to the woman next to him, ‘thank God that the leak is in the front. If it were in the back, we’d be doomed!’

That story holds an important lesson for us who celebrate the life of the Holy Trinity this morning – a community of lovers who depend on each other infinitely and completely for life, joy, and peace. As Christians, we are all in the same boat, the same family who has been touched by the divine life of God through the Word made Flesh. A serious threat to one part of our family is a serious threat to every part. Continue reading “Blessed Trinity of God – Three Persons in One Divinity”


Our Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the first Thursday of every month at 10 A.M.  We have a wonderful group of ladies who offer their handiwork for gifts to comfort those who are in physical or spiritual distress.  A former parishioner, Bob DeSpirito, who retired to Italy with his wife, Roseann, makes shawls during the winter months.  He sent a picture of the shawls that he made and I said that we would have to make him an honorary member of the Prayer Shawl Ministry.  He then suggested that he would send us a shawl once in a while for parishioners here.  So this is amazing news.  Our Prayer Shawl Ministry goes International — shawls sent from Sessa, Italy.  Imagine that.  Thank you, Bob.

Go out and make disciples!

The very breathe of the Holy Spirit ignites the hearts of the Apostles helping us to remember the breath of God being blown into the nostrils of Adam in the creation of the first man. This breath was so powerful that it changed the essence of who they were and now, today, offers to transform us into the new man Jesus calls us to be. Having received this tongue of fire at confirmation, we possess the potential of living His life fully in our own.

That is why we must never be afraid to breathe in this holy wind, to accept this new way of life. We must not be afraid to change, to leave the old self behind and live in new and challenging ways that will help complete the mission of Christ.

Continue reading “Go out and make disciples!”