Lay down your false desires & cling to one thing: God alone!

The Gospel presents us with a great story today; great because it has wonderful emotion and good counsel.

The rich man comes to Jesus full of excitement and passion. So much so, he could not see clearly. Even Jesus was infected by this passionate moment, as must everyone around them. But Jesus did what he expects all true disciples to do and so teaches us a valuable lesson.

Continue reading “Lay down your false desires & cling to one thing: God alone!”

Remembering the World Meeting of Families and Pope Francis

The World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia was such a time of grace and peace.  In an effort to hold on to those wonderful feelings, we have asked parishioners to share their photos and stories of the World Meeting of Families and the Papal Visit to Philadelphia.

Carlos Medina has graciously shared his pictorial vision of the two Papal events of the weekend of September 26th and 27th.  This first link shows the Festival of Families: .   This second link is from the Papal Mass: .

We were and continue to be blessed by the events of the Congress.  It was certainly a very proud moment for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and all of her parishes.

We will post additional stories and photos as they are made available to us.   Enjoy!

“Lord, Are You Speaking to Me?”

Homily by Deacon Greg Maskarinec

October 4, 2015

My wife and I attended the World Meeting of Families along with the festivities last Saturday and Sunday in Philadelphia when Pope Francis came to town.  It was a phenomenal experience!  My wife and I were able to spend time together and to visit with some good friends from the Permanent Diaconate who I was ordained with in June.  We heard a number of excellent talks about the family from some great speakers.    I attended Mass celebrated by Pope Francis at the Cathedral on Saturday morning!  I was blessed to be a Deacon of Communion on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway at the Papal Mass on Sunday!   It was quite a week.  One that I will cherish forever!

Continue reading ““Lord, Are You Speaking to Me?””

“Family: The Cornerstone of Society”

Homily by Deacon Mark Dillon

October 4, 2015

Last weekend the World Meeting of Families culminated here in Philadelphia with the celebration of a Papal Mass on Benjamin Franklin Parkway. In the week preceding this Mass pilgrims from around the world focused on a wide range of family issues where faith is both needed and tested. But most importantly, this gathering focused on celebrating God’s blessing upon the masterpiece of His creation: Our families!

That theme is echoed in each of our Scripture readings today. In Genesis and the first part of St. Mark’s Gospel the bond created by man and woman in marriage takes its significance from God who created them to be suitable partners for each other, united in one flesh. And that union, when blessed with children, creates the even deeper bond of family.

The family is THE fundamental cornerstone of our society. Every day we should rejoice in the gift of so many families, who even during times of trial and temptation, remain faithful to their promises of honoring God and loving each other. Continue reading ““Family: The Cornerstone of Society””


Click here for information on the World Meeting of Families

We pray for the success of the World Meeting of Families

God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church.

May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel.

May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love.  Through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!

Papal Mass Viewing Party in MDP Parish Center – Sunday, September 27th

Doors open at 3 PM – Papal Mass is scheduled to begin at 4:00 PM.   Live streaming of the Papal Mass will be in the gym.  Feel free to bring a lawn chair or blanket to make yourselves comfortable for the Mass.    We encourage you to RSVP for the viewing party by e-mailing so that we have an idea of the number of people attending.   Please plan on bringing a pot-luck dish as we will have a seating area in Providence Hall for snacks.

**NOTE:  Viewing the Papal Mass will not fulfill your Sunday Obligation.

Changes in Parish Schedule due to WMOF

Due to the clergy requirements of the World Meeting of Families, we must modify our weekly Mass schedule follows:

Wednesday through Saturday: A Communion Service outside of Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 AM.   The Miraculous Medan Novena will be prayed on Saturday, immediately after the Communion Service.



The Bread of Life is our sign of Holy Communion! John 6:1-15

Each human being is created uniquely to serve the will of God. Each person is fashioned at conception to fulfill the dreams God has for his people.

So our lives are not only our own but really a reflection of the divine life into which we have been called. The beauty of our life rests in the fact that we have the freedom to say ‘yes’ to Divine Providence. ‘No,’ is not really freedom at all but enslavement to sin.

Our ‘yes’ to God and our surrender to His Way frees us to enjoy the purpose, dignity and integrity of our individual human life as well as our common life with others. We don’t often think about ‘the common good,’ but it is what keeps the fabric of our human society unified in Christ. This is why we need the Church, She keeps us on the straight and narrow path to heaven.

Continue reading “The Bread of Life is our sign of Holy Communion! John 6:1-15”

You can create the ‘time’ to pray – Mark 6:30-34

When the disciples returned from their mission, so many people were after them, that Jesus took the disciples with him to be alone and quiet. Here we see what might be called the rhythm of the Christian life.  For the Christian life is a continuous ‘going into’ the presence of God from the presence of men, and a ‘going out’ into the presence of men from the presence of God. It is like the rhythm of sleep and work. We cannot work well unless we have enough sleep. Sleep will not be sound unless we have worked well.

It may be a difficult in your own life and in the lives of your children when you give God no opportunity to speak to you because you have lost the knowledge of how to be still and listen for His voice. I know in my own life busyness can take control of your life, all these things we have to do.  All of which takes time away from God, with one another; and time away from listening and sustaining a still composure.

Continue reading “You can create the ‘time’ to pray – Mark 6:30-34”

The dispossessed heart discovers God – Mark 6:7-13

E.B. Washburne described how Ulysses S.  Grant went into battle during the Civil War: “The success of the battle depended upon the swiftness of movement. It was important that Grant should be encumbered with as little baggage as possible. He took with him no orderly…or an overcoat, not even a clean shirt. His entire baggage for six days was a toothbrush. He lived like a common soldier, sleeping on the ground with no covering except the canopy of heaven.”

Continue reading “The dispossessed heart discovers God – Mark 6:7-13”

Charity eradicates all vice – Mark 6:1-6a

If you look up the word ‘envy’ in the dictionary, it means ‘A feeling of resentment aroused by a desire for the possessions or qualities of another.’ If envy goes unchecked, it can destroy everything we love and care for.

The Olympics dates back from Greeks games held on the plains of Olympus in 776 BC. Ancient towns often honored the victorious with statues. One day an envious loser rocked the statue of his opponent until it fell. The problem was, the statue fell the wrong way and crushed him to death.

When you look into an envious person’s eyes, you see nothing but a shallow pool of bitterness, only because they cannot possess what others have. Their hearts gradually harden with ingratitude and self-loathing.

However, there is a way out of envy. Charitable works. Giving until it hurts. This charity will reopen the heart and fill those blank eyes with meaning, purpose, light, compassion and forgiveness.

If someone were to look into your eyes, what would they see? Gratitude or bitter indifference?


The Sacrament of Marriage is still the Sacrament of Marriage

After all is said and done, the sacrament of marriage is still the sacrament of marriage; a sacred bond between God, a man and a woman which unites and procreates for the honor and glory of God. All seven sacraments remain gifts to the Church. They are given to us from God’s abiding love and help us to be more like Jesus and in the end to achieve eternal life.

Whether or not we, as Catholics, we will retain the God given right to the Freedom of Religion or the Freedom of Speech is yet to be seen. However, of these things I am sure: Christ is already victorious over sin; He already reigns as the Lord of Life; and He alone is the Way to true happiness.

Continue reading “The Sacrament of Marriage is still the Sacrament of Marriage”