After all is said and done, the sacrament of marriage is still the sacrament of marriage; a sacred bond between God, a man and a woman which unites and procreates for the honor and glory of God. All seven sacraments remain gifts to the Church. They are given to us from God’s abiding love and help us to be more like Jesus and in the end to achieve eternal life.
Whether or not we, as Catholics, we will retain the God given right to the Freedom of Religion or the Freedom of Speech is yet to be seen. However, of these things I am sure: Christ is already victorious over sin; He already reigns as the Lord of Life; and He alone is the Way to true happiness.
The Church is about to experience turbulence. Cling to the Church’s catechism and to the Gospel; hang on to Her and you will not be lost. You might be cursed even by your children, but do not be afraid to suffer for the truth. You may be deprived of social standing, of basic human rights, but stand firmly on the foundation of the Faith you have been given.
“Things will be different now. The Church will indeed suffer persecution in the face of a hostile culture, but it is in such an environment that the Church has proven to thrive. We have two things on our side: facts (doctrine) and results (saints). These are exciting days to be a Catholic and saint making! So, let’s steep ourselves in the rich doctrine of our faith, in prayer, and in sacramental living. We know Who wins in the end: Saint John tells us, “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (Fr. Ronald Verling).
May the Holy Family watch over and protect our families, leading them from darkness into the Light of Your Eternal Glory!