My Lord and my God!

The Gospel today gives us Thomas, the doubter, who wonderfully represents us in our frailty and fears. He who could not see with his own eyes the truths proclaimed to him, refuses in his own human weakness to believe that Jesus had been raised. We do not judge him. We cannot judge him, because in doing so we would be judging ourselves. Instead we allow Thomas to approach Jesus in his own time and in his own way but approach he must to confront the demons that haunt him and Lord who loves him.

The Gospel also reveals to us the Redeemer who challenges Thomas with his resurrection by holding forth the wounds of his passion. Thomas is eye to eye with the authentic teaching of the Church- objective and true. Recognizing the Lord, Thomas surrenders himself and is reconciled with Christ in humility through the words, “my Lord and my God,” the ultimate prayer for mercy.

My brothers and sisters, the Gospel challenges us today in our belief, shared with Christians around the world, not to be overwhelmed by a secular society that insists that God is dead. All they are trying to do is alienate us from the same God Who sacrificed His life for our happiness.

Let us leave here today impressed by the wounds that saved us and by the heart that loves us. Let us follow the example of our merciful redeemer and walk humbly with God.