Fourth Sunday of Easter

“Remain faithful to the grace of God.”

We have been listening about the relationship between the Father and the Son which is based in Love. “The Father and I are One.”

The manifestation of love is obedience. There are people who say, as a Church, we have a lot of rules; and we do. Why? Because we need them. We are sinners not saints. We are not perfect but we are perfecting and rules help keep us on the right road to heaven.

Saint Paul says the more perfect we become, we don’t need rules. We long for that day. But, for now, we need to be obedient to God with the Commandments and the Precepts of the Church.

God knows we love Him when we obey Him; like the Good Shepherd, Who carries a big staff. If we veer off track, He gathers us in. Or like Mothers, they are happy when we obey them. Wives are happy when we obey them!

Finding ways to practice the virtue of obedience will help us manifest our love for each other and for God. This week find ways to practice obedience: children, obey your parents, and parents, obey God. Thus, we can do what we are being urged to do today by Paul and Barnabas, “Remain faithful to the grace of God.”