Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The seventy-two in the Gospel this morning seem somewhat skeptical of the power Jesus gives them to bestow peace, to cure the sick and to survive among wolves like lambs. What they need is faith to believe in the prophet Isaiah and to believe Christ in His Word.

The grace of Jesus Christ is that force beyond ourselves by which God in his mercy makes the impossible be in our lives.

Helen Keller could neither see nor hear. Yet she became a great public speaker. One night after a lecture, a reporter asked her what her one wish was in her life.  The reporter thought she would say, I want to see and hear. Helen thought for a minute however and answered, ‘I wish for world peace.’

Being servants of the Lord, means working to have a strong faith in the power Jesus gives us to change the world, one person at a time.

The first step is becoming silent, fifteen minutes at first: no music, no media, just the name of Jesus. Second, practice virtue on people around you.

In her memoirs, Indira Gandhi wrote, “you can’t shake hands with a clinched fist.” Then open your hands, let them relax; lift them upward and you will find that this is the symbol for prayer.

Take the power Jesus gives you to change the world today and use it to help him build the Kingdom of God. This will make you truly happy.