Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary

Our Lady of Lourdes Praesidium at Mother of Divine Providence Church

What is the Legion of Mary?

The Legion of Mary is an international association of lay Catholics finding Jesus through prayer, works of mercy and evangelization rooted in Marian spirituality and commitment to the Holy Spirit.


The Legion of Mary will help you:

  • To see Christ in others and to serve Him there.
  • To become a holier person within yourself.
  • To work hand in hand with Mary our Mother.
  • To submit yourself to the Holy Spirit
  • To do great things for God and for the salvation of souls.


There are two types of membership:

  • Active
    • Attend a weekly meeting  (Currently via Zoom)
    • Do two hours of work in pairs under the guidance of the Spiritual Director
    • Pray the Catena (Magnificat) daily
  • Auxiliary
    • Pray the Rosary and Legion prayers daily


Who is the Legion of Mary open to?

To all who faithfully practice their Catholic religion, adults 18 and up.  We would like to start a Junior group for those 7-18, also.


For more information, contact the Parish Offices: 610-265-4178 or email Director of Parish Services Claire Pinto: cpinto@mdpparish.com.


For more information on the Legion, visit www.philadelphiasenatus.org or www.legionofmary.ie. 


October 10, 2020: Outdoor Rosary for Peace