Dear Family and Friends of MDP,
On December 8th, Mother of Divine Providence parish celebrated its 63rd Anniversary as the Catholic community of King of Prussia. Throughout those many years, we have been blessed with a beautiful campus, an outstanding elementary school and wonderful parishioners.
Most of you who are founding members, built a solid and beautiful campus where the liturgical, spiritual, sacramental, educational and cultural needs of our parishioners can be met. We need now to “Shore Up the Future” for generations of Catholics to come.
Last fall you should have received in the mail a copy of our Parish’s June 30, 2017 Operating Report. Your weekly contributions to the Sunday collection have allowed the parish to operate on essentially a break-even basis.
Like many of us, as our campus ages, it needs repairs that go beyond our normal operating budget which is funded by our Sunday collection. Over the next 2-3 years, we face several large repair and/or replacement projects that are necessary to keep our campus safe and functional. These projects, which can no longer be deferred, include the following: Continue reading “MDP: Shore Up the Future”