Care Ministers

Care Ministers


The care ministers at Mother of Divine Providence Church provide companionship and care for those who are homebound or in need in any way.  Our Care Ministers assist us with the following:

  • Visiting our homebound parishioners
  • Baking and delivering Christmas cookies for our homebound parishioners
  • Assisting with the Mass of Anointing of the Sick
  • Transporting our elderly parishioners to appointments
  • Assisting new mothers with errands
  • Any other area of need that comes up!

There is no minimum time commitment to be a Care Minister.  This is a “come as you are and when you can” group!  If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact Claire in the office at 610-265-4178 or email


If you are in need of care and support, you would like to be added to the Communion Call list, or you would like social visits or phone calls from one of our Care Ministers, please contact Claire in the office at 610-265-4178 or email