Congratulations! Mother of Divine Providence Parish rejoices with you at the birth or future birth of your child. We want to help make this celebration of Baptism a joyful and faith-filled experience. The celebration of Baptism is the first step in the Catholic Faith for your child. This celebration is shared by your family, friends, the parish and the entire Christian Community – the Church. Together we welcome a new member into the Church, and we promise our prayerful support and encouragement.
Scheduling a Baptism
If you wish to have your child baptized at Mother of Divine Providence, please call or stop by the parish offices to request a baptismal packet, which will contain important information and paperwork to help prepare for the celebration of this important sacrament.
Baptisms are celebrated at 12:00 noon on two Sunday’s a month, generally we aim for the first and third Sunday of the month, but this can change depending on holidays and other important events that may require use of the church. Please note that a baptism date is not scheduled until the parents have attended the Baptismal Preparation Class (Pre-Jordan) and all required paperwork is on file.
Baptismal Preparation Class
First-time parents are required to participate in a Baptismal Preparation Class, commonly referred to as Pre-Jordan. Both parents are expected to attend. Please call the parish offices to inquire about next available classes. Advance registration is required.
A godparent/sponsor helps the baptized person to lead a Christian life in keeping with Baptism. The sponsor, along with the parents, assists in teaching the Catholic Faith to the child – particularly by example. Within the ceremony, the sponsor (along with the parents) professes the Faith of the Church in which the child is being baptized.
Basic eligibility requirements of godparents: Prospective godparents must be: (1) 16 years of age or older (2) members of the Catholic Church who received Baptism, Confirmation, & Holy Communion (3) if married, in a marriage recognized by the Church (4) in a regular habit of attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days with regular reception of the sacraments. Note: parents cannot be godparents for their own children.
One or two godparents may be chosen. If two godparents are chosen, then one must be a male and one a female, and both must be practicing Catholics who meet the eligibility requirements below. It is possible to choose one (Catholic) godparent, and have a person from another Christian community serve as a Christian Witness to the baptism. This witness must be a baptized, non-Catholic Christian. A former Catholic, or a Catholic who is not practicing his faith or is otherwise ineligible to serve as a godparent, cannot serve as a Christian Witness to the baptism.
Godparents will be required to provide a letter of eligibility from their parish.
To inquire about Baptism at Mother of Divine Providence, please call the parish office and ask for Claire or email