Spiritual Gifts Workshop — Which gifts have you been given?

Do you know your “Spiritual Gifts”?

If you’re baptized, then you’re “spiritually gifted”!  There are no exceptions, so the question becomes: which gifts have I been given?  What does God want me to do with them?  (Examples range from the ordinary (service, leadership, music, hospitality) to the extraordinary (prophecy, voluntary poverty, discernment of spirits).)
The Called & Gifted Workshop is happening at St. Monica’s in Berwyn on Friday 6/2, 7:00 – 9:30pm and Saturday 6/3, 9:00am – 4:00pm.    $60 covers lunch and materials.  Deacon Greg, DRE Lauren Joyce, and multiple parishioners will be attending!  We hope you’ll prayerfully consider joining us!
To learn more…


Happening @ MDP: First Communion & May Procession!

We celebrated the First Communion of 48 parish children this year!  May they always be close to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Here at MDP, we bring our children to Jesus in the sacraments!

Our annual May Procession was held after the Sunday Liturgy, and even a bit of rain couldn’t dampen our love for our Blessed Mother!

Medina Professional Photography Solutions handled our photography.  To see Carlos’s work or hire him for your next event, go to his website here.

The Paschal Joy of Easter!

Deacon Greg Maskarinec’s Homily for the 5th Sunday of Easter

We all have our pet peeves…things that annoy us.  One of my pet peeves is someone not giving me a direct answer to a question.  They give a detailed background, possible answers and all the implications.  For those of you who know me you’re probably thinking, “Look who’s talking!”  Yes, I often find myself doing the same thing!

Another of my pet peeves – and let me be clear that it’s something that I too sometimes fall into the habit of – is the way we sometimes treat the Church’s Liturgical seasons.  For example, we wish people a Merry Christmas on December 25th and on the morning of December 26th or 27th we drag our Christmas trees to the curb and rush off to the Mall to return the “much appreciated” gifts from our loved ones.

Or consider how some of us begin the Easter Season a little early.  Out of fear that we won’t see each other on the Day of Resurrection we began exchanging the Easter greeting during Holy Week; after the Mass of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, after Jesus’ Passion and death on Good Friday, and on Holy Saturday or the day of the Great Silence.  And some of us end the Easter Season a little early.  On the Friday after Easter I greeted somebody with the words “Happy Easter” to which he replied, “You’re 5 days late!  Wasn’t Easter last Sunday?”  We sometimes forget that the Easter Season doesn’t start until the celebration of the Easter Vigil and it doesn’t end until Pentecost Sunday.   In fact, in the words of Saint Athanasius the 50 days from the Sunday of the Resurrection to the Sunday of Pentecost are celebrated as one “great Sunday”.  So it’s really not appropriate to wish someone Happy Easter during Holy Week!   And if you don’t get a chance to wish somebody Happy Easter on Easter Sunday, or even if you already have,  you can say it without feeling awkward all the way to Pentecost Sunday! Continue reading “The Paschal Joy of Easter!”

PREP/CCD Children’s Ministry – Registration Now Open!

PREP/CCD: Helping Our Kids Grow Towards God

Our PREP/CCD program is enthusiastic about helping kids live as Disciples of Jesus Christ in the communion of His Catholic Church.  We prepare children for their sacraments, coach them as they learn to pray, and equip them with the skills to use and love the Bible and Catholic Catechism.  All MDP K-8th graders are most welcome!

To register your child, please fill out the Registration Form here and mail, email, or drop off to the parish, Attn: Religious Education.  Our DRE Lauren Joyce will be in touch to set up a meet and greet and answer any questions you may have!

For more information, contact Lauren Joyce at 610-337-2173 or LJoyce@MDPparish.com.

Vacation Bible School registration now open!

Calling all kids for a week of fun & faith!

2017 VBS Registration Form
(Send to the MDP Parish Office, Attn: VBS)

Kids entering K – 5th grade are invited to join us on June 26-30, 9am – Noon, for Vacation Bible School!  We will explore how we are “CREATED BY GOD – BUILT FOR A PURPOSE” and enjoy time for music, sports, crafts, and prayer!

Students entering 6th – 12th are invited to be “camp counselors.”  Adults 18+ needed to chaperone.  Contact Lauren Joyce with questions: 610-337-2173 or LJoyce@MDPparish.com.


Deacon Greg Maskarinec’s Homily


We are obsessed with reality TV…shows like Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Dancing with the Stars, Survivor, and the like.  There’s another series known as “Undercover Boss”. It features a company’s founder or senior executive who temporarily gives up his or her power and authority to become an entry-level employee at the bottom rung of the ladder.  The “boss” goes “undercover” to investigate what’s really going on in their company so that they can improve the business and reward hard-working employees. They are not tyrants…they’re sincerely interested in the welfare of their business and their workers.   They’re on the road away from home and spend time agonizing about how to solve the problems of the companies.   At some point the undercover boss returns to the workforce and reveals their identity.  The exceptional workers are rewarded for their efforts and are given the financial means to help make their dreams come true.

On this Palm Sunday, the beginning of the week we call “Holy”, the readings speak to us of a somewhat similar figure, but one who offers us infinitely more than any reality TV show or personality. Continue reading “THE ULTIMATE REALITY”

This Week @ MDP: Living Stations of the Cross

Our CCD/PREP students presented the “Living Stations of the Cross,” a beautiful and traditional Lenten Prayer, last week in Church.  The MTC Catholic School students will do the same on 4/7 at 7pm.  All are welcome for this solemn reflection on the saving death of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here at MDP, we seek God in prayer.

“We adore you, O Christ, and we praise You, because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.”

This Week @ MDP: Adult Faith Formation Spotlight!

It’s a great month for Adult Faith Formation at MDP!

Here at MDP, we seek to understand the truths of our faith!

Here at the parish, Deacon Greg has launched our annual Lenten book discussion.  This year’s pick is “Resisting Happiness.”  All are welcome to discuss the struggle to find faith and happiness on Wednesdays 3/15, 3/22, and 4/5 at 10:00 – 11:30am (Parish Offices) or 6:15 – 7:30pm (Providence Hall / School Cafeteria).  No RSVP necessary, and if you haven’t read the book but want to join the conversation you’re most welcome.  We hope you can join us!

In the local area, many of our parishioners joined a special event with Catholic Bible scholar Jeff Cavins.  He’s the “Bible Timeline guy” behind many of our parish Bible studies, and it was a treat to hear him in person!

Finally, one of our Bible Study groups took a “field trip” to see the beautiful icons at St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Church in Norristown.  What a beautiful place dedicated to the worship of God!

To join a Bible study, ask a question, or be on the email list for Adult Faith Formation activities at MDP, contact Deacon Greg at 610-265-4178 or GMaskarinec@MdpParish.com. All are welcome, especially those “searching” for God!