Click here for information on the World Meeting of Families

We pray for the success of the World Meeting of Families

God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church.

May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel.

May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love.  Through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!

Papal Mass Viewing Party in MDP Parish Center – Sunday, September 27th

Doors open at 3 PM – Papal Mass is scheduled to begin at 4:00 PM.   Live streaming of the Papal Mass will be in the gym.  Feel free to bring a lawn chair or blanket to make yourselves comfortable for the Mass.    We encourage you to RSVP for the viewing party by e-mailing so that we have an idea of the number of people attending.   Please plan on bringing a pot-luck dish as we will have a seating area in Providence Hall for snacks.

**NOTE:  Viewing the Papal Mass will not fulfill your Sunday Obligation.

Changes in Parish Schedule due to WMOF

Due to the clergy requirements of the World Meeting of Families, we must modify our weekly Mass schedule follows:

Wednesday through Saturday: A Communion Service outside of Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 AM.   The Miraculous Medan Novena will be prayed on Saturday, immediately after the Communion Service.



Lenten Schedule

Mother of Divine Providence Church

Lenten Program


On Wednesday, February 18th, Catholics once again began the annual period of prayer and Penance which prepares for the Easter Triduum.   The custom of “giving up” things during Lent can be manifested in three ways:  Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.  But the more important “giving up” during the season of Lend is giving up sin in our lives.  We are to give up sin, not only for Lent but forever.  The discipline of Lend is a time to work through the conversion necessary to let go of whatever evil still finds a home in us.

As a means to make this Lent spiritually fruitful, we invite and encourage all of you to participate in our Parish Lenten Program for 2015.


The Bishops of the United States prescribe the observance of fast and abstinence throughout Lent.  This obligation applies to all persons fourteen years of age and older, and requires that they must abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, on all the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday.  Further, all persons eighteen years of age and older, up to and including their fifty-ninth birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday, while the other two meals on those days are to be light.

All the faithful are encouraged, when possible, to participate at Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist daily, to celebrate frequently the Sacrament of Penance, to undertake spiritual reading, especially the study of the Sacred Scriptures, and to participate in parish Lenten devotions as well as Lenten education programs.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is especially recommended.


ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH:   Masses will be celebrated at 8:00 AM, 12:05 PM and 7:30 PM – Ashes (symbol of our repentance) will be blessed and distributed within all Masses.

WEEKDAY MASSES:  Monday through Saturday at 8:00 AM

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION:  As it does throughout the year, Eucharistic Adoration will take place each Tuesday immediately following the 8:00 AM Mass.  Adoration will conclude with Benediction at 6:50 PM.  In addition, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed immediately following the 11:30 AM Mass on February 22nd, March 8th, 22nd and 29th, and at approximately 1:30 PM on March 1st and 15th (due to Baptisms).  Vespers will be prayed at 4:00 PM each Sunday.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS:   Place yourself (in spirit) beside our Savior as He journeys to Calvary.   Stations of the Cross will be held each Wednesday in Lend (except Ash Wednesday) at 2:00 PM and each Friday at 7:00 PM.   Please note:  Students of our Religious Education Program will present the Living Stations on Wednesday, March 18th at 6:30 PM.   The Living Stations will be presented by the Fifth Grade Class of the Regional School on Friday, March 27th at 7:00 PM.  All are welcome.


Forty Hours will begin on Sunday, February 22nd as the Blessed Sacrament is exposed beginning at 12:30 PM, Immediately after the 11:30 AM Mass.  We will gather at 7:30 PM for our evening devotion;  Father John P. Stokely will be our homilist.  ON Monday and Tuesday the Blessed Sacrament will once again be exposed throughout the day, beginning after the 8:00 AM daily Mass providing an opportunity for prayer.  Evening devotions will begin at 7:30 PM on Monday.  The closing of Forty Hours will take place  on Tuesday with evening devotions and Eucharistic Procession beginning at 7:30 PM.


Confessions are heard every Saturday from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM and on Wednesday, March 17th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  The Regional Penance Service will be celebrated at Sacred Heart Church on Thursday, March 26th at 7:00 PM.  (Several visiting priests will assist with hearing confessions at Sacred Heart.)  The final opportunity for confession prior to Easter will be on Monday, March 30th through Wednesday, April 1st from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PMNo confessions are scheduled for Holy Saturday.


Please join us for a moving live performance on Palm Sunday evening, March 29th at 7:00 PM.  “No Greater Love” is a vibrant musical drama that celebrates the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We are pleased to present this play which was written by Janeen Stevens, directed and choreographed by Carol Ferrone, with Musical Direction by Gerard DeMan, Jr. and performed by the Xavier Company. The Xavier Company is a unique group of Christian performing artists in residence at Saint Francis Xavier Church in New York City. Don’t miss this captivating performance which brings to life the timeless and sacred story of the passion of Jesus Christ!


Operation Rice Bowl focuses on the major Lenten themes:  prayer, almsgiving, fasting and a renewed solidarity wit the poor of the world.  The format is simple.  On one evening of each week of Lent, families eat a light, low-cost meal.  Before and after the supper, they give thanks for their blessings and pray for the hungry of the world.  Money saved by eating a simple meal instead of a regular dinner is placed in a “rice bowl” on the dinner table.   Cardboard “rice bowls” are available at the doors of the church. Every Sunday, families bring their contributions to Mass and place them into the Poor Boxes, located at the church doors.  Your participation in Operation Rice Bowl helps Catholic Relief Services to support development and self help projects in 50 countries, including job training, agricultural development and maternal and child health initiatives.  Twenty-five percent of the funds collected remain here in the Archdiocese and are used to purchase food to stock the local emergency food cupboards and soup kitchens.

Please note:  Specific details regarding all of our Lenten activities can be found on a weekly basis in the parish bulletin.


By:  Matthew Gambino of – August 22, 2014

What could be wrong about raising awareness and money for research on Lou Gehrig’s Disease while having a bucket of ice water dumped over your head?  It’s good clean fun and it’s for a good cause, so it’s harmless, right?

Actually, it isn’t, when you realize how the money may be used.  First, donated funds typically go to the ALS Association, the group that does a good job advocating for people suffering from the paralyzing, incurable and ultimately fatal neurological disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which killed New York Yankees great Lou Gehrig and affects an estimated 30,000 Americans. Continue reading “STEM CELL ISSUE THROWS COLD WATER ON ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE”

Young Adults at the Carnival

For those young adults in the Parish wanting to meet our young adults group, please come out during the Community Carnival from August 19th through the 23rd! Catholic Young Adults from all over southeastern Pennsylvania will be joining us on Friday night, August 22nd! The carnival will provide a wonderful backdrop with delicious food, fun rides, live music, and plenty of beer or wine for those interested. We will congregate by the dunk tank so please stop by and say hello! The carnival runs from 6pm to 10pm. Hope to see you there! Please email with any questions.


Our Youth are Doing GREAT Things!

Ten of our young adults left on Sunday, July 6th for a mission trip to the Albany, New York area.    These same youth have been coming together for the past 5 years to help those less fortunate with projects that they could not normally accomplish, singing and praying all the while they are away from us.   What a wonderful way to show God’s love.  We are so proud of you!  May God keep you in His care always.

God Bless Our New Transitional Deacons!

On Saturday, May 10th Archbishop Charles Chaput ordained (8) men as Transitional Deacons during a beautiful Mass in Saint Martin’s Chapel at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary.  

Transitional deacons are seminarians in their last year of preparation for ordination to the priesthood.   A Transitional Deacon may baptize, preach, distribute Communion, witness marriages and lead rites for Christian burial.   Three of the ordained men are well known to our parish:  Reverend Mr. Daniel Arechabala is a son of our parish (he grew up in Mother of Divine Providence Parish from the age of 2!),  Reverend Mr. Steven Kiernan is the adopted son of our parish (he comes to us from another Diocese, but he will be ordained for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, so he found a home here with us), Reverend Mr.  Joseph Zaleski served an internship summer here (he visited our homebound and assisted wherever possible).

Our parish witnessed Rev. Mr. Daniel Arechabala’s first homily during the 9:30 AM Mass, and Rev. Mr. Steven Kiernan’s first homily during the 11:30 AM Mass this past Sunday, May 11th.  Here is a transcription of their homilies: Continue reading “God Bless Our New Transitional Deacons!”

7th and 8th Grade Spring Retreat

Build Your Kingdom Here!

7th and 8th Grade Spring Retreat Sat. March 29- 12:30pm March 30 at MTC

Do you like playing games? Want to get to know your classmates better? Interested in learning more about yourself and developing your faith life? Enjoy hanging out with your friends all day?

If you said yes to any of the above then this is the place for YOU!
Don’t miss out! Continue reading “7th and 8th Grade Spring Retreat”

MDP Young Adults Quarterly Lunch at Providence Hall

Join us for our quarterly lunch at Providence Hall! After 11:30 Mass, please join us in Providence Hall for a delicious pizza lunch! We will have activities for adults and games for kids as well! Providence Hall is the small cafeteria attached to the school gym. A small donation is suggested to offset the cost of pizza. Please email if you have any questions.